Secret of the Spiritual Failure of this Time: Absence of a Universal Moral Law or Principle
“The philanthropy (…) not possessing a character of universality; that is, never having been laid on the firm foundation of a universal moral principle; never having elevated itself beyond theoretical discourses; (…) it is merely an accidental manifestation but not a recognized law. (…) This, I think, is the secret of spiritual failure and unconscious selfishness of that time.” (K.H. The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, n. 28, p. 215; emphasis added)
Universal Brotherhood Is a Law in Nature
“Brotherhood, then, in its full meaning, is a law in nature. Stress has more than once been laid on this in our meetings, but not too much stress has thereon been laid. For it is the very object, the desire, of our work that brotherhood shall become practical in society, and it will never become practical until men understand that it is a law, and not only an aspiration. It is a common experience that when men have discovered a law of nature they no longer fight against it. They at once accommodate themselves to the new knowledge. They at once adapt themselves to the newly understood conditions, and in that very way we have preached brotherhood. And yet brotherhood is but so little known in our world.” (Annie Besant. The Spiritual Life, p. 113; emphasis added)
Universal Brotherhood: It Is the Only Secure Foundation for Universal Morality
“The term “Universal Brotherhood” is no idle phrase. (…) It is the only secure foundation for universal morality. If it be a dream, it is at least a noble one for mankind: and it is the aspiration of the true adept.” (K.H. The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, n. 4, p. 17; emphasis added)
The Principle or Law of Universal Brotherhood is Very Little Understood: It Is the One Essential of Doctrine and of Life of Both Buddhism and Christianity
“How little this principle of Universal Brotherhood is understood by the masses of mankind, how seldom its transcendent importance is recognized (…) It has been assailed as Buddhistic and anti-Christian, as though it could be both these together, when both – Buddhism and Christianity – as set forth by their inspired founders, make Brotherhood the one essential of doctrine and of life.” (Helena Blavatsky, quoting J.D. Buck, The Key to Theosophy, p. 18; emphasis added)
Esoteric Truths Are of the Highest Spiritual Importance, at Once Profound and Practical: They Have to Prove Both Destructive and Constructive – Destructive in the Pernicious Errors of the Past; But Constructive of New Institutions of a Genuine, Practical Brotherhood of Humanity
“The truths and mysteries of occultism [esoteric philosophy] constitute, indeed, a body of the highest spiritual importance, at once profound and practical for the world at large. Yet, it is not as a mere addition to the tangled mass of theory or speculation in the world of science that they are being given to you, but for their practical bearing on the interests of mankind. (…) They have to prove both destructive and constructive – destructive in the pernicious errors of the past, in the old creeds and superstitions which suffocate in their poisonous embrace like the Mexican weed nigh all mankind; but constructive of new institutions of a genuine, practical Brotherhood of Humanity where all will become co-workers of nature (…).” (K.H. The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, n. 6, p. 23; emphasis added)